As Promised...

By aspromised

Too cute to be trouble?

... I find that hard to believe! Hehe.. master Angus has started to squeal/scream if he wants something/doesn't want something! He can be a Mardy bum when he wants...He obviously gets that from his father lol!

We drove back to Scotland today, Angus was really well behaved in the car and was excited to be back home and crawling around! I nipped out of the room and I heard him giggle.. and when I came back in he was half in Stanleys bed and poor Stan had gotten out and was sitting in the corner! Little monkey! I need eyes in the back of my head now he's on the move!

We left poor mum at home with this bug which I unfortunately passed on :( I was feeling ok but I think the drive took it out of me. Early night for me and hopefully will be feeling 100% tomorrow.

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