Pollock in the Port

Blipping this a day late...
The day began super super well with texts on my phone, from, "it's go time" and then a picture of a gorgeous newborn baby! Delighted my friend Abby had a great birth and delighted by the new addition to their family - Eli!
Had a really great morning with Nate...first reading stuff to do with Danny's latest essay...then wandering and praying, looking out for Roma friends...spotted this paint dribble on the ground in the Port, made me think of Jackson Pollock!
I saw a Roma woman I've not seen for ages, it was lovely to see her! We had a bit of a catch up...she was out doing the shopping for the community...one person bulk buys for everyone.
Made a chicken and wine pie for lunch - pretty delish! And mixed up a pomegranate skin and honey drink for Maria who begs outside Eroski...sitting in the damp each day has left her with a flu-y thing and a horrible throat and cough. She was quite tearful when we chatted last night, I feel for her...
Then an unexpected and lovely cup of tea with Jeff and Suzy in the evening!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Asha seeming happier and more balanced this week.
2) A day of lovely people...including our neighbour pushing Nate home from the supermarket so I didn't have to struggle with bags and a pushchair.
3) The safe arrival of Eli.

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