Wotton Triptych

Took this after this evening's meeting in the Wotton under Edge Civic Centre, working on the feasibility of progressing a Greenway between Wotton, Kingswood and Charfield. Three oils of the same shot; potentially, I think, by the same artist. Morning, noon and night?

I was particularly taken by the offset hanging of the third picture. I'm afraid while I don't admit to having OCD that's probably only because I'd want the letters in the right order. Would it have taken much longer to get it right? lol

In other news the consultation into the West of England Joint Spatial Strategy - yes, that bloody plan that proposes 1200 houses for my currently kilo-house village - begins today and runs until 10th January. 

And in other other news, I wanted to point out a relatively new venture by a local lawyer, who is working to get ecocide treated in the same way as genocide. It's an interesting argument, and rings a lot of loud bells. If we rile against the destruction of a people, how much more should we be angered at the destruction of our planet? 

I'm seeing a lot of familiar names, go look.  https://www.missionlifeforce.org

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