Collecting Moments

By AudreyJ

Like a fish out of water

Well that sums up Blaine's experience at the bank today.

Blaine has been busy for the last few weeks and just recently finished writing a book of 50 poems which he wants to submit as an ebook, however, before he can do that, he needs to complete a form and on the form, it asks for his bank account details. He hasn't ever had a local bank account, as it's one of those things I've never got around to doing for one or another reason, so that was on today's list of things to do.

As it's his first eBook, he'll be charging only 50pence per download, in hope that he can gain some followers and interest in his writing skills.

The funny part was at the bank, when he had to sign........teenagers don't really have much use for signatures so it was a case of trying a few variations and then using (and hopefully remembering) one that he felt comfortable with, so it took a while and he felt kinda awkward while Aiden and I couldn't help have a little giggle.

On the way back home, I noticed this fab fish drawn onto the sand and it summed up Blaine's day perfectly.

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