
By Exbeeb

Work in progress

Up at an unearthly hour this morning to get G to her train by 6am. Her onward train from London was delayed which meant she just made it to the lecture on time at midday!

The weather, which started fine and sunny has deteriorated throughout the day and although dry, looks as if it shouldn't be.

The winds of last week had dislodged the disused analogue aerial pole (3 metres long) which was attached to our chimney. A neighbour noticed it on Saturday and let us know that it was teetering on the ridge, as if deciding whether it should fall on somebody in the back garden, the front or onto the garage! Having phoned every aerial installer in town (ten of them) - none could come out at the weekend. Fearing a public safety incident, the fire brigade came to look and decided it was too dangerous for them to go up there. At last, this morning we got an aerial man to come, who after inspecting the job, said the pole was too big for him to deal with and declined the job.

So this afternoon, Anton and I climbed through the velux window, lassoed the pole and with Philip taking the strain on the other end of the rope, we eventually lowered it safely to the ground without killing anyone.

The moral of the story is, if you want something done in this world - do it yourself.

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