
I received these pictures in the post the other day from a photographer on the Isle of Wight by the name of Neil Williams who was undertaking a project know as sunrise diaries where he was aiming to take a photo of a sunrise every day for a year and he invited people to buy a particular day with the proceeds going to the marine conservation society ... he had to give up on the project, I imagine it was too great an undertaking but as I had 'booked' a particular day's shot he sent me, what he called, ' a slice of sunrise diaries', in the form of these 3 pictures. I hope I'm not breaching any copyright by taking a photo of them in that I have acknowledged him and they are signed by him. They are a lot better than I could ever do, I really like them; it was a great idea for a project but it wouldn't suit me, I am not an early morning person!

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