
By Veronica


It was a workday today. But at lunchtime I went for a walk and a quick coffee in town. Begur is full of quirky architectural details, of which you'll no doubt see plenty over the next couple of months. There are many fine 19th century buildings, but I think this decor is more recent than that. I like the colourful little boats, and the deep red rendering seems very popular round here. It reminds me of the red house in Perpignan.

Other news: I'd just like to record that I went for a swim in the pool this evening. It wasn't as cold as the sea yesterday, but brrr! Normally you warm up after a few vigorous lengths, but not this time! Still, I feel virtuous now, and deserving of a glass of wine.

PS for those who wanted to see the colour version of the tapas bar, it's here.

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