Dancing Midges

It was frosty underfoot this morning but the air didn't feel cold. I saw these midges dancing and managed to get a half-decent shot of one. Interesting how it's holding four legs aloft and dangling two. The midge dance is a bit like a lek. The males strut their stuff and the females choose. In midge world, size and speed doesn't matter but agility does. Females choose males according to their acrobatic superiority.

I spent an interesting afternoon with Project Phoenix at a planning consultation. Plenty of support for the aerodrome. An insight into the machinations of local politics.  

Today's poem is Being But Men by Dylan Thomas. http://writersalmanac.publicradio.org/index.php?date=2013/06/05

"experience versus innocence, disillusion versus optimism, limitation versus potential"

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