Ride Sally Ride
It's been a long day/night and the band was great and we had a good time despite the audience being too few and frankly not up to the standards we require. They'd had a good meal, been regaled by explorer's tales and a conjuror, I believe. My requirements for an audience are that they get up off their arsbottoms and dance. One or two did, including an old boy who worried me that he might expire from a heart attack. Most sat there expecting to be entertained, hah! Never mind, we played the music that you'd have to be dead to not tap your feet to. We'll audition our audiences in future :)
Pip and Bruno moved on to their next destination today after Bruno had kindly done the roadying to get all the heavy kit into the van and my band guys were great at getting it all out for me at the other end and loading it up again at the end of the night. One of them's kindly coming round tomorrow to get it stashed away again. I hate being helpless!
My little drone arrived back from drone hospital today so I'm looking forward to a chance to use that at again.
Lady Marian kindly took the blip for me and I'm very pleased with the pics she took. It's very hard to get all 13 band members in shot at one time but I had a feeling that the Minstrels Gallery at Dartington Great Hall would deliver a great viewpoint. It was a bit noisy and removing the noise has softened it up a little but a super shot! By the way, that's not a pantomime set behind us, it's a real medieval fireplace!
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