Wall Of Images, Soho, London

This very colourful wall of images is right outside our Friday pub in Soho. It is courtesy of the lomography shop round the corner. In a world of the near total advance of digital it's great to see film still flourishing in such an interesting way. I may well treat myself to a camera from there as a Christmas present to myself.
Our work trip to the pub every Friday has been a tradition for as many years as I can remember, twenty at least. It has been known as "the walk with raised eyebrows"  - mainly based on my facial expression when I wanted to go for a pint - for at least ten! This has now been shortened to an e-mail that just says "Raised", followed by "usual at usual at usual" - code for usual time, at usual meeting point, for the walk to the usual drinking establishment. It'a great way for us all to get together as we always work apart for the rest of the week.

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