Its the Way It Is

By Jeano

Social Life

Today is the big social occasion for the tennis club.

The Turkey Tournament took place at 2pm today and it was well attended. It is a mixed game so the ladies and gentlemen's names are picked randomly and you play with your partner against 5 other pairs in your pool for 20 mins a game. I won this tournament 5 years ago when I was picked with Sam and we were picked together again. And guess what we won it again. Yoohoo!

The AGM is on now and the accounts are being discussed so I sitting at the back posting this. Shhhhhh!

The new committee is shortly to be instated and then the selection committee volunteering (that's when the hush falls) - no one wants to be a selector, it's a hard job.

At 7pm the food is served, glass of wine, then the guitars and singers take the stage and then a bit of dancing.

My photo is out of focus because my hand holding iphone was shaking with the cold

I am enjoying this evening's sociability with good friends

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