Red sky at night

Well, at 4.30 this afternoon. Let's hope it's a good omen for tomorrow.

With the pavements of Balfron like sheet ice this morning, I was so glad I had my Yaktrax to help me stay upright when I went out to buy a few essentials at the Co-op.

I seemed to spend the rest of the day making meringues. (I'm on tea duty at the Monday Club and have to produce 20 small cakes and 20 sandwiches for the ladies of Killearn.) I had to start again when one of the yolks broke into the egg whites, and there's still a batch in the oven - they take forever to bake!

The afternoon, however, was enhanced by a lovely visit from Lulabel and Mabel. Thanks, girls.

Wow! I'm not a fan of Debbie McGee, but that Argentine Tango was a-may-ZING!

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