Family Dog

By Family_Dog

Taunt's 50th Birthday...

I love this picture - regardless of it being completely out of focus. I love the way my Mum's arms are outstretched and my Auntie's face is full of wonder.

We had a beautiful day to celebrate my Taunt's birthday. I am very close to her and thinking back to this day always makes me smile. As a family we don't do 'get togethers' very often. We're all quite respectful of the fact that life is hectic and busy and we don't want to put pressure on each other by adding to that.

Taunt's birthday reminded us all how much we actually love being in each other's company - that we actually need to start putting pressure on each other to take time out of the hectic nonsense to be together more.

At twilight (I NEVER use that word, but it definitely was 'twilight') my Mum brought out a surprise for Auntie. 5 beautiful lanterns, one for each of her decades. We all had a go at lighting them and sending them off into the sky. It felt quite uplifting sending her memories up into the sky - all those hair do's and ex boyfriends. The nights out and the holidays.

The time she & Mum wore the same swimmy to the local pool and stood at opposite ends thinking 'who the HELL is that wearing the same swimmy as me?'. The time I smeared her expensive foundation all over her bedroom, in her clothes and on her window and then ate a whole box of chocolate brazil nuts (that she'd been keeping as a treat) and then denied. God, I was on a rampage that day!

The time she lived in London, the time she lived in Dunkeld, the time she brought home a portrait she'd had painted of her and everybody thought it was a picture of Lady Di.

It's all up there now too - so any time you fancy seeing me & my Auntie Marion picking daisies in the garden on a hot summer's day - you just need to look up!

I love you Auntie Marion. Happy Birthday you fabulous woman, you x

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