Winter Window

In December last year, Tony and I were in Skipton for our eye tests and we remarked on the smashing Christmas window paintings on several shops.  Through some detective work we discovered they were the work of a young French woman, Jenny Tribillon, and thought it would be a lovely idea to make passing folks smile.  Unfortunately, by the time we contacted Jenny, she had already returned to France for Christmas, but she noted us down in her diary.

My blip for today was supposed to be of Jenny at work, but she rang us in something of a panic last night to say she had a whole row of shops today so could she come over there and then?!  Long story short, Jenny was here till after 11 pm (causing some puzzlement amongst late home coming neighbours) on a very cold night, painting our winter window.  It's early for Christmas so the windowsill display will wait.  I already have an idea to introduce something each day so that the neighbours' children have something to look out for on their way to school.

I've been working on the computer much of the afternoon and it has indeed been lovely to see the passing smiles from cars and walkers.  One neighbour has knocked to praise my artistic skills (I did own up!) and to say she wants one!

Before leaving, fortified with tea and shortcake, Jenny kindly gave us a bottle of wine from her neighbour's vineyard back home!  Thank you Jenny!

Jenny's website  - local blippers will spot some of her Grand Depart/Tour de Yorkshire windows!

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