Happy Birthday Munchie

Today, our gorgeous girl turned 6.
From her very first days she has been on the go, today was no exception.

Presents opened around 7am, not 5am as she requested.
Dressed and rugged up ready for her party. Slight anxious moment from me when we drove and drove and drove along a single track lane, but then located the rendez vous.

Wonderful party, deep in the woods, such fun. Flag making, unicorn hunting, climbing, mud pie makig, hot dogs and hot chocolate for lunch.

They both slept on the way home (Unheard from munchie) Wom continued to sleep when we got home, but Munchie wanted to start doing one of her Hammabead sets.

Roast chicken for tea
Baths - her hair was a matted mess :(
Shattered doesn't come close to how we all feel

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