Blackberry Picking

Miss E is not impressed with Mummy's rubbish photography skills which have left her with no hands....
We had our first Parents' Evening tonight which was great. Mrs S started off by saying "Gorgeous Miss E! She's polite, she listens, she's so kind and thoughtful, she's so keen and always interested in everything. She's the best behaved in the class!"
And she went on to say that she stands up for herself if she needs to, isn't some boring wallflower and likes to chase the Year 1 boys!! We got the feeling she quite likes Miss E!!
And it sounds like she's doing really well with her reading and writing and numbers.
Mrs S said a couple of times that she can give Miss E work which is relatively advanced and she's easily able to cope. More than that she loves it!
And it's obvious that she's happy so we're happy!!!
And then - as Papa had come over to babysit - we took advantage and went to the cinema to see Loopers which was fab. Normally time travel things make my head hurt but this seemed to make sense and was very well made. And Bruce Willis is always watchable.....
I took a leaf out of Kirstie's book and snuck in a 6" subways and a bottle of water!
Mr K failed in his Hunter/Gatherer role and bought crispy M&Ms rather than the required peanut M&Ms.

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