CannyScot's Day

By CannyScot


A dull but dry day with a very chill wind.

I had an early morning meeting with my GP Listening Service Supervisor. As well as reviewing my work at present we discussed a possible new area of development of the Service. More on this in the New Year.

Our  Cactus is in full bloom at the moment with many flower heads (or whatever they are called). We thought it was a Christmas Cactus but it blooms at least three times in the year. I rather imagine it to look like a galleon under full sail. Whatever, it has great delicacy and a beautiful shade of purple.

Our National life seems to lurch from one degree of chaos to another at the moment, with no end to the confusion in sight. It would be nice to think that someone knew what was going on but I somehow doubt it. I guess taking a long view, we have survived worse crises in our history and we will no doubt come through again, impoverished and bruised maybe, but still in one piece (maybe!)

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