gobble, gobble...

went the turkeys -

wild turkeys... yes, people - wild turkeys are what i ran into today... if you'd have told me i was going to have a close encounter with wild turkeys today - it would have seemed so off the map - so obscure... but indeed it's what happened - up close and personal...

i have never before been just feet away from turkeys - or yards for that matter... this was an event! i could see all those wonderful markings - glorious colorings... on this baby - it appeared there was a combination of purple - green and blue... the picture doesn't come close to doing it justice - she spied me and began moving - rather quickly... so it's not in focus for one thing - i also still have much to learn regarding light/shadow - so the color is off... but it doesn't impact my overall interaction... not that i've become a turkey whisperer - she and her cohorts, there were another 4 as well - wanted nothing to do with me... i guess - considering i was on foot - this was a good thing... but i admit to stalking them a bit - due to my natural curiosity - their beauty, size and peaceful nature drew me in... who knows if i'll ever have this kind of experience again - i relished the moment being thankful for another one of nature's joys - knowing it had made for...


happy day.....

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