Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

Mono Monday - Romance

Romance is certainly in the air today with Harry and Meghan finally announcing their engagement - I am so bored with all the media coverage leading up to this point, will they ,won't they, what the bookies odds are...heavens it has gone on and on and now that the deed has finally been announced to the world it all feels a bit flat, as in ho hum, oh is that news? Haven't times changed that an English prince can now marry a Roman Catholic America movie star divorcee and no one batters an eyelid. Enough cynicism, I wish them much happiness and we can look forward to another royal wedding next year.

Today I had to stay home as I had the boiler engineer coming to service the boiler as it is still under warranty and therefore it has to be done to retain the warranty. I also had the sound engineer coming to link up Sonos to the speakers in the house so we can play music in various rooms now - and I also had the garden contractors doing the final stages to the lawn - after two months of looking out at a muddy large pit with pipes and drainage I am now happy to be looking at beautiful flat green lawn again. Tomorrow I will post some before and after photos.

As I was stuck at home for the day I worked on my photos for our camera group homework. This term we have a theme of time, and this month we had to age some photos and by way of contrast restore some old photos, and even try to colourise some old photos. It took ages as my Photoshop skills are quite limited, but I did manage to do all of that. So my blip today is a restored photo of my parents on their wedding day in 1956, to go with today's challenge of Romance for Mono Monday. I obviously did not take this photo but I did spend some time restoring it!

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