Actually I've had this puzzle for ages and not made a lot of progress. Now that I've finished my beautiful Wentworth wooden puzzle and ordered a couple more cardboard puzzles in the Black Friday sale, this one needs to have some attention. It's very difficult! I'll post a shot when finished. The light was good this morning, but I had orders and invoices to deal with, so could not do much of the puzzle.
I made cauliflower cheese this evening, after watching the news about Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. They look happy!
Apart from this activity, and teaching for two hours, I have done little, but am tired. Last night I took a supplement called 5HTP to help me sleep, and get adjusted to the diminishing daylight, and I slept right through until seven. That is unheard of! But as I didn't go to sleep till 1.30, I still didn't have enough sleep.
Tonight will be different, I swear...
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