The jelly (his absolute favourite) I made for CarbBoy in his Haribo bear tub was more anatomical than anyone expected. Much giggling and wobbling and inappropriate use of the word 'boobies' ensued until his legs fell off (the bear's not CarbBoy's).
Earlier, some work and some malingering (by which I mean easy work for Mr B), then much garden work. Four wheelbarrows full of weeds to make way for a bunch of daffodils.
During all the outdoor work our future neighbours showed up - who seemed very nice. I did have to laugh when I asked (they're a young couple) if they had any kids:
"No", says Madame.
"Not yet" says Monsieur, with a firm dig in Madame's ribs and a knowing smile..
Earlier still, International Cat Rescue sprang into action. The neighbours' cat has been stuck on the roofs for four days. With temperatures at minus three last night we were all getting a bit worried. So I sat up on our roof making friendly cat-type noises until she was close enough to grab, and returned her to her concerned (but not concerned enough to sit on a minus three roof themselves, obviously) owners.
And, it having been a neighbourly day, I should also note that a blip beer expert has saved our local beer from excessive sediment. So hurrah for blip.
And, in today's reverse direction, at 6.45 am I realised I should have gone to bed earlier. Perhaps I'll learn from that tonight? Or perhaps just one more episode...
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