Late last century I spent a very happy few months recording this building, inside and out, and working out its history, before it was refurbished as offices..
It started out with the yellow wall just beside the parked car, which was a tower house, built in the late 15th century. The original entrance was on the first floor, for defence (on the side opposite the clockface.)
A chapel was built just to the right of the big arched doorway (long gone, except for some bits of wall in the cellar), then a full-sized kirk was built on (now under the Victorian stone warehouse, but some walls survive on the ground floor) At the same time the tower house was extended and converted to a manse, which was extended again to the left, and the belltower and staircase added. The lead roof was made by itinerant Dutch craftsmen. By the mid-19th C the church had mostly been pulled down, and the warehouse built. It was a paint factory for a while...
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