This finely brewed mixture is my new attempt at calming the tummy pains that come with coeliac disease.
I normally wear the discomfort invisibly as probably my Grandfather did too. He ultimately died of of bowel cancer after years of vomiting blood and tummy issues. Thank fully I’m diagnosed so I’m normally as fit as a flea these days. However cross contamination is a frustrating problem, especially since I live with three cake making loving children. So my new peace de resistance is now camomile mint tea mixed with two teaspoons of hemp tea which really relaxes a cramping tum.
Both teas are locally sourced, the first from Monteas in Monmouth, Dave is a fascinating tea specialist and The hemp tea from Gail at Hemish who knows everything about the medicinal qualities of Hemp. Either way, it’s the best cuppa I can spend my hours editing to. X
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