But, then again . . . . .

By TrikinDave

Golden Eagle.

This was (almost) the target for the week-end. I was on a guided tour of Skye hunting for pictures of white-tailed eagles; this was, I am reliably informed by our guide, a goldie. However, you should never believe everything you see, particularly when it is me showing you. It really is a golden eagle photographed half-way up Ben Tianavaig but the backdrop was photographed half-way back down a few hours later. We did reach the trig point at the top, a height of 413 metres, and some of us had our pictures took there; I declined the opportunity not being that sort of person. I’m afraid that I can’t identify the peaks in view as last week I mislaid the OS map I bought for the trip and I can’t identify exactly where the pictures were taken as the sat/nav I was tracking was set to work only when it’s travelling at greater than 2 mph and its speed both up and down was a wee bit more cautious than that. On a serious note, this was the only eagle picture of the day, but then, that’s wild life watching for you.
It was, nevertheless, a fantastic day amongst fantast scenery and a fantastic chill factor – in spite of us sinking up to our knees in snow on occasion.

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