
Lots of things going on today. The office was closed - for St Andrew’s Day - but a lot of emails seemed to require attention as the next few days are busy.

And had to be on the phone to try and sort out my aunt’s care. Three plus weeks after she was declared fit to return home, needing someone in 3 times a day to sort out her food and, as necessary, medication, nothing has been arranged. I’ve even tried some private care but they don’t have the capacity. Will need to try more.

Meantime she bed blocks no doubt costing the public purse a lot more being in hospital. And no prospect of return home where she would be happier, more able to do what she wanted and able to phone her friends.

Tidied the greenhouse. Planted some bulbs and cleared out lots of rubbish.

Then off out to look at tiles for the new kitchen which hopefully will get sorted in 2018. We’ve chosen the flooring, the cupboards (but not yet the handles!), the work surface , the wallpaper and paint colour. But now need the tiles.

Success at the first place we visited. Exactly what we wanted. But when we went to the desk it appears that the tile has been discontinued: the display is about to be removed.

So a tour of other shops where we did find something we liked. No doubt when we come to order everything something else will have been discontinued!!

Visit to hospital, washing, some more work and some preparations for Christmas. All in all not a bad day off!

The blip is of some artwork our daughter did years ago. It was catching the morning light.

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