Let There Be Light

By solli


The Poem:

Spiky caterpillar still as can be
Naps on a reed and he doesn't see me.
Waking up slowly he begins to munch
A circle of leaves for his tasty lunch.

Furry caterpillar much to my surprise
drops a small brown ball right before my eyes.
Sweet caterpillar I must say goodbye
I hope you become a lovely butterfly.

My best friend in high school was a gal named Marianne. She had a long Italian last name but we shortened it to Cada and it's stuck all these years. We're still friends; 43 years is like yesterday. We had our hippie hair days it was the early seventies after all and this fellow reminded me of those wild do's. (click large to see)

I spent a few hours deep in the bowels of Westfield's section of Lenape Park taking note of the family of Northern Flickers, cardinals and yellow warblers that were flying about. I spotted the Kingfisher and a chippie which brought Life's Little Moment's Debbi to mind. His cheeks were full of heaven knows what and he was reaching for more of it, so I took a picture of him. Blurry of course but you can see him here.

I ran into Richard and his dog Montague, and we shared a spirited discussion on the birds we've seen over the summer. I found myself hoping he didn't videotape my bum in the bushes as I was bent over the caterpillar; one of his Lenape CDs was on my windshield when I got to my car.

The highlight of the day besides all the birds was the round ball of poop that fell out of this wee one's behind.

It was a cold one today; I turned the heat on in the house and put the glovies on the hands.

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