Crashes and burns
We had to wake Munchie this morning. She made it downstairs then landed in a heap on the sofa and cried.
She then cried on and off till time to go
I rang school and said I would be late in as I was going to take her into school.
Drove to nursery to take wom
She sobbed
Concluded she wasn’t going to go to school
Emergency call put into grandma.
Munchie snuggled down and slept
She woke up about 9:15 and sobbed again
Grandma arrived
I left
She slept again
Then was quite happy to Potter about and play with her presents from her birthday.
I picked wom up before tea and got home. Easy cheesey pasta done for tea
We’ve then all cuddled on sofa
Nice warm bath and quite time now
I think she has well and truly crashed and burned
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