Our Next Chapter

By SnappyHQ

Pewf what a day

Weeks of worry are finally over.

We went to music this morning. It’s the last one before Christmas and we sang lots of Christmas songs and all pretended to be reindeer with sleigh bells. As soon as we left music though, reality hit. It’s interview time!

G&G kindly had Alexander for the afternoon.

The interview consisted of being given a scenario and having 15 minutes to then prepare a 10 minute presentation. I was terrified but I think I pulled it off. I definitely didn’t embarrass myself anyway. The interviewers seemed to nod in all the right places at least.

I met up with G,G and A in town afterwards and we went for coffee in a nearby hotel. It was very posh in there. Alexander put on grandads flat cap and was posing in the giant armchair.

Pizza for tea tonight and no more worrying! I’m glad it’s over. Only time will tell now...

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