A Day At A Time.

By ElCid


Having returned from Paradise after my late shift (happily now pain-free) and eaten some supper with a glass of red, I suddenly woke with a start to realise that House had had his usual epiphany and solved the case, the screen was blank and it was 1:15!

As His Nibs sniffed around the hedges in his usual last-thing excursion before bed, I set up the tripod just outside the gate to see if I could capture some stars.

I could see the crescent waning moon just rising through the trees. Two exposures - one for the moon and one for the stars were needed and lots of attempts before I thought I might have something worth using.

I have only just tinkered with the resulting images this morning. As is usual for me, what seems like a great shot is often disappointing, but this is the result.

Another late shift today but a later start too. So it's off into the sunshine again for a stroll.

Now the frost has melted, does this count as an Indian Summer?

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