In tent

This morning I swung by the old office to pick up mail, which meant that I could take one of the cycle paths across a rather lovely park part of the way to our new office rather than risking life and limb on the race track that I usually have to use.

The small blue patch you can see through the trees is a tent, of good quality and neatly pitched. It's not a campsite and there was no evidence of fishing gear, so I'm wondering what circumstances have resulted in the occupants setting up home here.

I'm seriously thinking of giving up cycling to and from work and walking, which will take about an hour there and an hour back - it's just too nerve wracking and god knows what it will be like when I have to do it in the dark.

There is a bus route but buses in Norwich aren't the most reliable, they are expensive and it would probably take the same amount of time as walking.

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