Rush Hour

Heart juddering espresso at a nearby cafe and then the water bus along to San Marco. A quick wander around, the highlight apparently being the gold roof and Bob the Lion.

From there it was a walk over to Accademia, a quick blip and then on to The Peggy Guggenheim Collection which was where three of the party started to flag quite badly, culminating in Eve falling asleep in the sculpture garden. To restore energy we walked along to La Piscina, one of the restaurants on Dorsoduro with a floating terrace and enjoyed a long lunch.

Duly fortified we walked back to San Stae and found a corner outside one of the local bars where me and Mrs Smith could people watch and the kids could play with the local children whilst eating Nutella Ice Cream (delicious apparently).

After nightfall it was time for a gondola ride. It had to be done and I could be a curmudgeon and mention the cost but actually it was magical and the awe struck faces on the kids was brilliant. I probably looked the same.

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