Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

Brr, its cold outside

Today was the coldest day of the season so far. Sunny and bright but bitingly cold. I went to London to meet some friends for lunch, we try to get together once a year but I think this may have been longer than a year since we last saw each other. It was bitterly cold walking to the station and as I reached the station there were a few snow flakes wafting down. I see the beaches of Suffolk and East Anglia are covered in snow, what a sight that must be to see snow on a beach.

We had a lovely lunch and left the restaurant later than expected - then I missed my train by one minute which is annoying as it is only every half hour, so by the time I got home it was already dark. Mind you it gets dark early these days, and then after Christmas and New Year we can already start seeing a change in the light as it slowly starts getting lighter.

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