Queenie in Chichester

Today the Queen came to West Sussex. First to Canine Partners in Heyshott, where we had gone for Bluebellsea to see the place, only to find the street lined with school children and some adults. On seeing my car they started waving their flags so of course we gave the Royal Wave in response.
We discovered she was due in 5 minutes, so stayed. 1st extra is the first of the motorcade - it shows the glorious, but very cold day.
Next to Chichester, where a small crowd was gathered on the side of the drive into the Theatre. We joined them, there was a gap in the barrier, I pointed my phone and pressed and was very surprised by the result - my main blip. 2nd extra if the Royal Standard on her car in the rays of the sun.

After that a lovely lunch in St Martin’s Coffee Cafe, I went off to my meditation group and Jo spent the afternoon roaming in Chi.

For those who may be interested, Canine Partners is a charity which trajns assistance dogs.

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