Life of a bubble maker

By redditchrascal

Advent Calendar

Flexi day today so a lie in. Finally managed to take the camper over to get a heater fitted inside. Hopefully they can also fit the awning at the same time. Took Kilda for a walk at Vogrie Park after. Spent the afternoon creating the calendar for 2018 before heading to the Apple store to get my iPad unlocked. J’s old Uni mate Jon came around tonight as he is working in Edinburgh today. Kilda spent 10 minutes barking at him before agreeing he could stay. Christmas starts tomorrow, or at least we can start talking about it. Mum bought me this advent calendar ages ago and each year we say we are going to fill it. Will we managed this time. J went to Hotel Chocolate in the sale and got a load of their selection chocs and I wrapped them in Clingfilm and filled the pockets this afternoon. We have Trillionaires shortbread, Mint Royale, Christmas Mess, Amaretto, Pistachio praline, and pink champagne. Then on the days J gets coconut I get a mojito choc. It’s going to be a nice December.

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