Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Sole Searching...

I was prepared to blip a robin today, only because they were queued up all morning at the bird baths.  But, then, Hubs mentioned that he had to go to the cobbler's shop to check on a shoe repair.  Bingo!  Last time we were there, I was captivated by the owner's collection of decrepit old boots all lined up on both sides of the entryway.  

Not my usual sort of photo, I know. It's good to try different things, though, and I had a lot fun with this.  I did some tweaking in LR and PS to give it more contrast and a little crop.  I ended up with a half dozen shots that I liked, so had Hubs pick one for today's blip - I think he make a good choice.  Second runner up is HERE on Flickr.  I'm already thinking that I'd like to do another series of shots in the snow...

In addition to the mobs of robins today, there also continues to be at least one sapsucker in the cedars.  Today I was able to approach to within 20 feet of her, so maybe one of these days I'll get a decent photo!  The challenge is that they are usually hanging upside down as they pluck the cedar "berries".  Makes for an awkward looking photo, in my opinion.  

Fire is going and I'm skipping a walk today in favor of getting some photo sorting/editing done.  Trying to clean up my 2017 photo files so I can move them off to an external drive.   Speaking of photos, I just made my second sale on Adobe Stock yesterday - and earned a whopping 25 cents!  I don't think anyone gets rich selling stock images.

Many thanks to Nickimags888 for the still life challenge!


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