Life in a Northern Town

By kagsy


I have had a long day with the funeral of a family friend - he died peacefully a few days short of his 90th birthday, and had been a childhood friend of my late mother-in-law; in all the two families have been connected for over 80 years so it was a sad day, the end of an era. I was driving my father-in law around, and was out for most of the day - Lizzie does not like being at home without me and reports from her human siblings are that she has been "a painfully whiney old whinge bag". She is in disgrace. 

I came back bearing sausages, so she is on her way to forgiving me for the abandonment. 

This cold is a monster, I keep thinking I MUST feel better today but don't.

Off to lie on the sofa in the vain hope one of the family will offer to make me a cuppa. 

Edit - sat down and thought the room felt cold. Went to inspect the boiler to find a substantial leak - nobody will come out tonight, so we have no heat and no hot water. The boiler engineer has diagnosed the problem from his holiday - he says turning off the mains won't help so it's hourly alarms in the night to replace the bucket. He said we have no chance of getting anyone out this weekend because of the cold snap. FFS!

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