The colours of winter

I woke to a light covering of snow, the earliest snow in Peterborough since the very cold winter of 2010. It was a very localised phenomenon, being more or less absent from Ferry Meadows, a couple of miles to the west. Thorpe Meadows, just down the road, had a noticeable covering (see extra) as well as some treacherously icy paths. Luckily I managed to stay upright!

On my way back to the car I photographed my favourite grove of birch trees, which have been the subject of many in-camera movement shots over the years. I love the unpredictable results, which vary according to the season, the lighting conditions and the speed with which the camera is moved. This one seems to have really captured the cool colours of winter.

Since my balloon ride, back in September, I've had pain in my shoulder and this morning I noticed that my right collarbone seemed to be a little higher than the left one. I finally did some research on the internet, and am pretty sure that I damaged a ligament when helping to lift the balloon back into its storage bag, causing a separated shoulder. This seems to be quite a common injury, usually among sporting types, which will hopefully resolve itself. Anyway, I've now got a good excuse for not carrying any heavy shopping bags in the run up to Christmas, though I probably shouldn't really be lugging my heavy lens about either! 

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