Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete

The days just seem to flash by...

It comes from nowhere, asleep and unaware, it comes. Early in the morning I found myself outside staring at the starry sky. Orion stood proud and bold, the Herald of Winter to come. Cold and a little in awe of this wonderful existence I pondered the meaning in it all.

No real answers I'm afraid, except that you have to live it to the full, and maybe......just maybe, you will get enough time to figure it out.

Back to bed for a snooze (it was 2:30am) and then up early as normal. Go here, get there....the usual stuff.....and then off to get the new tattoo work started!

As always the usual suspects were present...young cool things getting inked....not too they think enough about what they are doing but...hey, it's their bodies.....not everybody thinks about this kind of thing in the spiritual manner that I do!

Time for a little stroll as the sun goes down.....a good day...long.....but good!!

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