The Rising Sun

Wonderful early morning light over the old town. Unfortunately it brought to light a problem that some googling quickly revealed to be common flaw with my gorgeous TZ Lumix - its capacity to hoover up crud into its inner workings (see above). Fekksakes. That's the second one I've had, more fool me - both lasting conveniently a year or so.
Midday, and off to Ian's funeral. We filed into the crematorium, some nine members of his family, and fifty or so ex-colleagues. What really got my throat, apart from that moment when they carried the coffin in past us, was how old we all looked. The same faces that I knew so well, now all lined, grey, and balding (OK not quite all; some were women).

So, that's a farewell to Edinburgh. I'm off tomorrow out east to the land of rioting with a big clunky camera. Happy blipping, all. Pip pip!

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