Crocuses (Croci)?
We have all had banging headaches at work today from too much solvent sniffing - not the fault of the tippex nor the felt tip pens this time - but some very handsome workmen are up on ladders doing a good job of restoring the old windows in the gracious old building which houses our offices - used to be The Courthouse in our town many moons ago.
Had to have some fresh air after work and came across this curious bunch of what looks like crocuses outside a very impressive residential establishment (don't know who lives there). Crocuses in October??? Perhaps a blipper with some botanical knowledge will confirm, or otherwise.
Amir is doing well and as he has lost a bit of his tongue as well as an important tooth he is having to have his meals through a straw. The Vet said he had lost about 3 of his 9 lives, not 1.!
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