Looking for a suitable place........

.......to commit murder..........

There are some things in life that are very important to me. Here are two of those things -

I do not like being lied to.
I do not like people messing with my food.

Combine these two factors and I might well feel ready to kill.

Some people may know that I have a fondness for Pepperidge Farm Goldfish crackers.

Last Sunday I was passing Butler & Co in St Andrews when I spotted some of those crackers on the shelf.

I entered the shop.
I bought some crackers.
I went home.
I decided to partake in some of the crackers which is when I saw a date sticker (which said Best Before By 28 Feb 2013) over where the normal date stamp would be......some of you might also know that I'm a nosy b***h........and so I peeled back the sticker to discover the original best before date.

Which just happened to be 23 09 2012.

Which just happened to have passed!


The distributor of this product has been contacted - apparently the Americans have different regulations regarding the length of time that food can be kept before it is sold or consumed.

Really??!! By as long as five months!!?? If this is the case why do Asda Walmart not change the date on the product when they sell it?

Butler & Co were contacted and informed. They were very apologetic (and angry) and have reimbursed me fully and are making their own enquiries.

Fife Environmental Health have been informed and are currently investigating.

Pepperidge Farm have been contacted for their comment regarding the utter nonsense that Americatessen Ltd the distributor have spouted.

Trading Standards are about to be contacted.


Do NOT come between me and my food!!!!!

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