A bridge between two sides of the .......

....... estate!
This is a pedestrian bridge over a quite busy road. As the estate has a lot of children living in the houses I think it was a brilliant concept for this estate when it was designed ie with " families in mind". Almost all the roads are names of birds --- like Peacock/kite wake/ goldfinch/ wagtails etc it goes on for ever. I'm not sure where the birds name concept came from , only to say it is next door to Selsdon Nature Reserve , I would query whether the whole estate was the N.R. at one point. But it does give interest as you weave your way round the estate.
Another cold and dull day, lonely M & S and Sainsbury's shopping . Home now with washing in the machine and about to prepare Sunday's meal. Then Strictly and Casualty on TV tonight and write a few more cards, I find it a trouble these days . Still Christmas will be here and gone before we know it.

Thankful ..... for the TV tonight to keep me company. Don't know why but am very tearful today!

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