A Monkey's Tale

By MonkeyWithAView

The Future's Bright-on

Dome adjust your computers screens.

This truly opportunis-blip was taken as I was driving into the centre of town & all of sudden Brighton Pavilion came into view as the hustle & bustle of cars & passers by cleared. As I was thinking how great a quick, not to mention a considered, blip would be, I realised I was stuck behind a stream of queuing buses, with no traffic behind of beside me.. I had to take my chance & the time was right there & then. I unzipped my rucksack, & whilst winding down the window, I whipped out my camera & hastily took just two shots. Thankfully this one was fine.

This speedily taken picture really encapsulates my day. I popped to Brighton this morning to meet with the recruitment agency & to sign my life away on a few invasive forms. I then shot over to Haywards Heath to meet with Lloyds for a meet & greet for a job that I've been gradually sorting out over the last few weeks. Only in the last few days has it finally got going. And it's been worth it 'cos.. dome roll please.. I got the job!


I'm very pleased & even though it's only a data entry job it's something different & a new challenge for me. Equally thrilling is the fact that I can finally wave farewell to Fawlty Towers. I did in fact hand in my notice a few days ago, possibly tempting fate with not knowing whether I'd got the role yet, but I wanted to give them as much notice as possible. It's the least I could do after they've made my life a living hell the last 3 months. I jest, it's been a mixed but I would probably overall say fairly enjoyable experience, just. I'm not due to be a banker for a couple of weeks, so maybe I will even moderately enjoy my last few weeks at the Hotel, who knows!?

And sorry I haven't kept you all better updated, it's been a bit hectic over the weekend, with work & sorting out the new jobby.

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