Concert programmes...

...clearing through another attic box this evening and came across some old concert programmes.

There was a Facebook thing doing the rounds a while ago where you had to list a certain number of artists you’d seen in concert.

I didn’t do it as I thought I would be struggling to reach the required number. A wee while later though I did sit down and write my my surprise I did meet the requirement plus!

I obviously didn’t buy programmes at them all though. I think that is the reason rather than me selecting the best concerts to keep...although I did enjoy these concerts, the Feargal Sharkey one in particular at the Edinburgh Playhouse. The Jason Donovan one was a laugh me and my bestie who were in our twenties, surrounded by lots of wee girls and their mammies and being told to sit down by the mammies as their wee one couldn’t see when wee were up :-)

Grateful for the smile these memories bring to my face.

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