Sugar Plum Santa Cat
T took an earlier train than usual, and Raspberry's posing duties were done and dusted before 8 this morning. She's wearing a Santa hat today courtesy of the Canadian Blonde Bombshells, Soleil and Arwen. She wasn't thrilled, I interrupted a morning bath on her favorite rug, but she did humor me for a few shots.
She's gone back to her cozy bed by a radiator at the moment. I expect her to help me with some tree decorating later. It's a lovely one once again, all set and waiting for our lights and ornaments.
For the Record,
This day came in frosty and sunny.
All hands feeling the heat and insanity from the White House. Lawyers authoring tweets really pushes the limits of believability now. So many norms upended and the Republican Congress getting every wish fulfilled. The radical changes happening every single day, terrifying. Utah, ugh, reducing the size of the protected land at a National Monument.
Billy Bush has finally spoken up.
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