
By cowgirl


Fidenti - bold and strong.

Back in March 2014, when we applied to buy our house, we were put in touch with Nick as a mortgage advisor. Poor chap didn't know what he was in for!! Over the nine months it took for the house to be built and all the paperwork to be dealt with, I think it's safe to say Nick should be awarded a doctorate in psychology, having dealt with my constant panic attacks on a daily basis!

With inexhaustible patience he was always there to reassure me and sort the issues.

We moved from being clients to being friends ( so I could finally stop deleting the kisses I'd find myself adding at the end of text messages after a couple of months! ) and met him with his lovely girlfriend Corrie and their baby son.

Since then they've added a daughter and found time to organize a beautiful wedding, which we thought was going to be massive as we'd been invited ... turned out to be the most intimate wedding I've ever had the privilege to attend.

When we met, Nick was working for a mortgage company. He then took the big decision to branch out on his own and has developed from just himself in his converted garage, to a handful of staff and a beautiful new shop in the town.

So ' bold and strong ' probably covers the last three years of Nick's life choices, although as we discussed today, kind and caring sums up the business ethics more appropriately. It probably applies to Nick himself as well - after all it was he who cried at the wedding ( and Corrie if you're reading this you should know that when we were waiting for you to arrive there was a moment when Nick got himself into such a state of anxiety that he was genuinely worried you weren't going to turn up! Bless! ).

If anyone deserves success it's team Fidenti as we wish them all the success in the world.

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