Face Off

What a surprisingly busy day!
I'll spare you the details but I had to take Eden to the vets. I also had to change our sheets and wash the duvet for the 2nd time in 3 days. The 2 events are connected.

Washing, hoovering, tidying, returning of parcels filled the middle of the day then I had to drive to work for a planning meeting, back for a speedy dinner then out to Camera Club.
The first half of the meeting was a quiz then we had mulled wine and mince pies then a look at peoples photos from the last 2 sessions. It was a strange experience seeing so many photos of my own children projected on the wall.  I'm sure LCC members must be sick of the sight of them by now.
Mike (AKA Debsdad) kindly gave me the print of Poppy which he had entered into the annual exhibition.
Despite being in her pyjamas when I got back, Poppy helped me out with a quick blip.

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