Black is beautiful

Nothing except work and work and work... trying to find a needle from a stack of hays today (=testing some application, trying to find an obvious mistake - but not knowing excactly what the mistake looks like)

Hubby having day off and helping our son visiting the cadre to find out if the injury of the hand will affect to the start of the military service. Some informing made there but the mending speed is the thing. Start remains to be seen...

Our son feeling a bit better already, his head not so sore anymore and hand mainly only itches!

After works dinner, then some crocery shopping, and making the must-to-do-knee-excersices, and I also cleaned the aquarium tank (after which I did not find the Taiwan Shrimp but I trust that it still is somewhere there)... then a couple of episodes Game of Thrones. I already am watching season 3...


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