A Plumbers Wife!

By hebsjournal

Boy wonder

Has re-discovered pyjamas.

He appears to be recovering a little Although the dark circles under his eyes and the slightly hollow look is not becoming. As I was leaving work, he text me to ask for chamomile as he had come out in a rash. I asked if he meant calamine lotion! Teehee.

So, mad dash for antihistamine and calamine. He had a spoonful of piriton syrup, some nasal spray and doused himself liberally with calamine. Must have been an allergic reaction to something as within 30 minutes of taking the medicine, the big angry rash on his legs and arms had completely disappeared.

I really hope he starts to feel better soon. It worries me that he is essentially sleeping 12-14 hours a day, being sick and suffering with a horrible cold and cough. It’s not like him at all. It’s been nearly 10 days. He’s never been poorly for this long before.

Apparently, the worrying doesn’t decrease as they get older, it seems you just worry about different things.

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