Snow and Compost

The mountains were clear of cloud today. This is how they looked at 7 am. There is an extra coating of snow after the storm two days ago. I've had to make do with a back step shot because I did not have the use of my car today, and I was too busy to go for a walk.

It has been a big day. My son used one of his days off work to get me a load of compost. First he made an almost 30km round trip to borrow a trailer. Then he returned to pick up the old washing machine that has been sitting on my back lawn for months. The recycling place is close to the garden supplies place in Christchurch. He brought back a cubic metre of great looking compost. A cubic metre is a surprisingly large quantity. He unloaded it, putting some in the greenhouse and some in a big pile. Then he had to return the trailer. He's my hero!

I helped unload, distributing barrow loads to vege plots that I had prepared. Unfortunately not all are ready to take it, hence the big heap. I was out early preparing the greenhouse. I removed the green vegetables and replanted a lot of them outside. They might recover. There was a lot of twitch to dig out, and because most of the compost-rich soil has not been watered all winter I had a lot of work getting it damp.

I'm so thrilled to have this load of compost. It is some time since I have had the energy to make good quality hot compost. It was very labour intensive, but weedfree. The cold compost I make now is full of weed seeds.

Now I am very tired. Sorry if I don't make it to your journals tonight.

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